Successful Gastric Bypass Surgery

Tackling obesity by committing to weight loss treatment.

According to the Mayo Clinic,  gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common types of weight loss surgeries in the United States because it poses fewer complications than other surgeries. A person who chooses gastric bypass surgery commits to a path that brings greater health and well-being to their life. Once a patient determines this is the best personal path and chooses an experienced laparoscopic doctor, he or she needs to ready themselves for the surgery and the subsequent lifestyle change.

How to Have a Successful Gastric Bypass Surgery

Here is the doctor’s quick guide for patients to achieve successful gastric bypass surgery.

#1: Follow the dietary guidelines

If a person “cheats,” life after surgery will be difficult and less rewarding than for someone who remains gung-ho. Achieving successful weight loss for the long-term requires eating and drinking the recommended foods and avoiding all others.

#2: Move more

It’s essential for exercise to play a key role in a person’s weight loss journey. A patient who adds walking, Pilates, or other forms of exercise into their daily routine reaps greater success over the long haul.

#3: Keep the follow-up appointments

Visiting the weight loss clinic for tracking progress is crucial. Vigilance keeps patients focused and helps them avoid and deal with certain side effects and other issues.

#4: Seek support

A person may experience feelings of loneliness and isolation during the period after surgery, especially is he or she used food as a barrier to those emotions. Spending time with sympathetic family members and friends, and joining a gastric bypass surgery support groups assist with handling and moving past these feelings.

#5: Avoid critics

To be blunt, chop out the naysayers along with the extra pounds. If a person consistently calls to report the latest newspaper article covering the danger of weight loss surgery or prods the patient to eat brownies, the patient needs to seriously consider limiting communication.

#6: Treat yourself

Patients who find ways besides food to reward themselves feel less frustrated post-surgery. A day at the spa, a new book, a trip to a concert, and a cool new electronic are all smart, non-food focused ways for patients to pamper themselves.

#7: Rinse and repeat

These tips are not for six months or the first year, they are a new way of life. Establishing the groundwork before the surgery and actively pursuing each of these actions positively boost the surgery’s permanent effects.

Long Island Gastric Bypass Surgery recently reported that bypass patients lose an average of 70% of their excess weight. These results are life-changing for patients who struggle with obesity, opening up a future with fewer health problems and increased mobility. Committing to these tips for the long-term maximizes the weight loss rewards and a healthier lifestyle.