Gastric Band vs Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If you are overweight and looking for a weight loss solution, you are not alone. More than one-third of people in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – that is more than 78 million Americans! After trying other weight loss programs, you may be considering weight loss surgery but may be wondering which weight loss treatment is right for you.

Gastric sleeve surgery and gastric band surgery are two of the safest, most effective and commonly performed weight loss surgeries today. Two popular choices are gastric band surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. These two approaches seem similar at first glance but each helps you lose weight in a different way. Knowing the details about each of these weight loss surgeries – and the differences between them – will help you determine which approach will help you lose weight safely and effectively.

Gastric band and gastric sleeve surgery have similar goals: to reduce the size of the stomach in a way that limits the amount of food you can eat in a single meal. The procedures accomplish this goal in two different ways.

In gastric band surgery, a laparoscopic doctor places a silicone device around the upper section of the stomach. The band creates a small pouch, which can hold only a small amount of food as compared to the stomach before surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery also limits the capacity of the stomach. To perform gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, a surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach to create a “sleeve,” or tube-like structure.

Comparing Long Island Gastric Sleeve Surgery and Long Island Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric band surgery is a simple and relatively safe procedure that is reversible, adjustable and does not involve the removal or permanent alteration of the stomach or intestines. It does require the implantation of a medical device into the body, which may need adjustments.

Gastric sleeve, in comparison, is not reversible or adjustable, and it does involve the permanent removal of part of the stomach – including the part of the stomach that produces a hunger-stimulating hormone. Sleeve gastrectomy is a good option for patients who do not qualify for gastric band surgery and is a good option for gastric band patients who need revisions.

All surgical procedures, including gastric band and gastric sleeve, present a risk for complications. Both procedures carry a risk for infection; gastric sleeve also presents risks for blood clots, bleeding, and pneumonia. The band may slip out of place in gastric banding, while there is a risk for leakage at the suture site in gastric sleeve surgery.

Hospital stay is short in both procedures, with band patients staying less than 24 hours and gastric sleeve patients staying at a hospital for only 2 to 3 days. Patients with gastric bands experience slow and steady weight loss to settle in at a final weight three to four years after surgery. Those with gastric sleeves lose weight quickly, typically losing the most weight within the first two years following surgery.

If you are weighing your weight loss treatment options to treat your obesity, consult with a laparoscopic doctor at your local weight loss clinic. Either gastric sleeve surgery or gastric band may be the weight loss solution you need.