Gastric Bypass May Be the Best Option for Diabetes Remission, Study Shows

Both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass procedures can help diabetics go into remission, but is one surgery more effective than the other? The latest research says yes.

According to the Center for Disease Control’s 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report, roughly 34 million people in the United States — across a wide variety of ethnicities, ages, and genders — suffer from diagnosed or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. The condition can cause sleep apnea, damage to the nerves, eyes, and kidneys, and a host of other serious health complications. Further, diabetes is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. — and one of the most expensive conditions to treat, accounting for roughly one quarter of all healthcare costs. 

The good news is that diabetes is reversible within ten years of initial diagnosis, and many people go about lowering their blood sugar to healthy levels by changing their diet and increasing their physical activity. However, weight loss surgery offers patients the best chance of going into full remission from diabetes. In fact, a recent study from Reuters Health has uncovered new information about gastric bypass and its effectiveness for diabetics. Here’s what you need to know.   

New Study Links Gastric Bypass to Diabetes Remission

New research from Reuters Health indicates that gastric bypass surgery might be the most effective option for diabetes remission. The study examined diabetes outcomes for 9,710 adults with type 2 diabetes within five years of having gastric bypass or gastric sleeve procedures. After both surgeries, participants lost about the same amount of weight — around 23 to 29 percent total body fat. Gastric bypass, however, edged gastric sleeve out in terms of diabetes remission. 

56 to 59 percent of gastric bypass participants went into diabetes remission only one year after surgery, and 84 to 86 percent did so within five years. The study’s results found that diabetics who underwent a gastric bypass experienced slightly higher remission rates, better control over their glycemic levels, and fewer diabetes relapses than diabetics who had a gastric sleeve procedure. Gastric bypass also had a greater impact on people with advanced diabetes, which is much tougher to reverse.

Both gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures are effective diabetes treatments, but this new Reuters Health study shows that gastric bypass may produce longer lasting results. More details about the study can be found in the latest issue of JAMA Surgery.   

Unlock More Benefits with Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is one of the most popular bariatric surgery options among our patients, and for good reason. In addition to reducing your risk of developing diabetes or offering you the best chances of going into diabetes remission, gastric bypass can also reverse other serious health conditions like heart disease. Getting healthy with the help of weight loss surgery — along with  a regimen of regular exercise and nutritious meals — improves heart health and lowers your risk factors. 

What’s more, the lifestyle benefits of gastric bypass aren’t limited to the physical. Numerous studies have explored the quality of life and social changes that have been inspired by weight loss surgery. The majority of weight loss surgery patients report feeling happier, more confident, and more socially connected after their procedure. Achieving a healthy weight can also go a long way in combating depression and anxiety.   

Interested in learning more about gastric bypass or gastric sleeve? Contact the weight loss professionals at Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors today. Our dedicated team will answer any additional questions you may have and help you choose the weight loss procedure that’s right for you.