How Can a Weight Loss Clinic Help Me?
Excess weight is a common problem in this country. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults in the United States are currently obese and an even greater number are overweight. If you are struggling with excess weight, treatment options are available. However, before you can begin one of these treatment programs, you must first schedule an appointment at a weight loss clinic.
Obesity Basics
Obesity is a condition that occurs when an individual’s body mass index, or BMI, exceeds 35. People who suffer from obesity often experience a number of associated symptoms, such as trouble breathing, decreased mobility, low self-esteem and more. Being overweight or obese also puts you at risk for other health problems, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and heart trouble.
What is a Weight Loss Clinic?
A weight loss clinic is a treatment center that specializes in treating patients who are overweight or obese. The goal of treatment at a weight loss clinic is to help the patient lose excess weight, make lasting lifestyle changes and improve his or her overall quality of life.
Weight Loss Treatment Options
Most people try to lose weight on their own before visiting a weight loss clinic. In most cases, at-home weight loss programs include dietary changes and frequent exercise. However, if your BMI is over 35, you may qualify for weight loss surgery, which can expedite the weight loss process and make it easier for you to reach your goal weight. Available weight loss surgery options include:
- Gastric Band – The gastric band procedure involves placing an adjustable band on the upper portion of the stomach to help the patient feel full after eating less food.
- Gastric Sleeve – During the gastric sleeve procedure, surgeons remove 85 percent of the stomach and create a stomach “sleeve” in its place. This reduces the amount of food that can be eaten at any one time.
- Gastric Bypass – Gastric bypass limits the amount of food the patient can eat at one time, as well as the number of nutrients that are absorbed from the food that is eaten. Patients who undergo this procedure will need a vitamin supplement to combat decreased nutrient absorption.
Making a Choice
Each of the surgical procedures listed above has both advantages and disadvantages. To find out which of these procedures is best for you, visit a qualified weight loss surgeon to discuss your situation in detail.