Patient Transformations

Courtney F.

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery. 

Being active was impossible, even walking up stairs was a struggle. Now I can climb 100 flights with ease. I love to exercise and be outside when it’s nice out with out sweating constantly. I struggled with back pain, sciatica pain, plantar fasciitis, knee pain from an old injury and migraines. 

How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

Nearly 5 years. Family told me I could do it on my own, so I tried. I lost 60 pounds naturally and then gained it all back like I had before. I knew surgery would help me keep it off. 

Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery. 

I can ride Rollercoasters with no fear of not fitting in the restraints. I can hike for miles and not worry about dragging behind my fit friends. I’m no longer embarrassed to feel like the largest person in the room.