Dr. Hesham Atwa’s Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid After Weight Loss Surgery

June 21, 2023 | Weight-Loss Surgery

Helping our patients avoid the most common mistakes made after weight loss surgery that can slow or reverse the weight loss they have achieved is an important part of our care at Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors.

If you have had weight loss surgery or if you are preparing for weight loss surgery, it is important to set yourself up for optimal success. While there are no guarantees in life, having an experienced team before and after weight loss surgery to guide you every step of the way, help you overcome your obstacles to long-term weight loss, and cheer you on to success is critically important. And yet, surprisingly – often overlooked.

At Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors, part of this guidance includes helping our patients avoid the most common mistakes made after weight loss surgery that can slow or reverse the weight loss they work hard to achieve.

5 Mistakes to Avoid After Weight Loss Surgery

That’s why Dr. Hesham Atwa and his team frequently share these top 5 mistakes to avoid after weight loss surgery:

  1. Not Following Your Prescribed Pre-Op and Post-Operative Plan: We create a very specific pre and post-operative nutritional plan for you to follow that is specific to your needs before and after weight loss surgery. Your plan will set you up for success so it is imperative that you follow it. We will make it as simple as we can and integrate habit changing tips, support, fitness that starts at your level and more. Don’t get swayed by old habits – maximize this new opportunity to lose significant weight and live a healthier life.
  2. Not Taking Your Vitamins: After weight loss surgery you will not be as hungry and your caloric intake will be restricted. Thus, it is important that you take the prescribed vitamins we recommend to help maintain optimal vitamin levels to avoid issues later such as hair loss, low energy or other health problems.
  3. Poor Intake of Water and/or Drinking High Calorie Liquids: Your body needs water to help with your healing process. It also helps prevent nausea and mistaking thirst for hunger. It is best to have water with you throughout the day to sip on and ensure proper hydration. You will want to avoid gulping and the use of straws so you can avoid any unnecessary gas or pain. It is also important to avoid carbonation and high calorie liquids that tend to add up quickly and can slow your weight loss significantly.
  4. Not Increasing Your Activity and Adding Resistance Training: Fitness begins at your level and it is important to be active doing whatever you enjoy. Over time, adding some form of resistance training will ensure you are building muscle to enhance your metabolism and help you maintain your weight loss.
  5. Avoiding Help If/When You Need It: We are here for you if you struggle at any time – which is inevitable with anything new. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. That is what we are here for.

Follow this advice and enjoy your short and more importantly, your long-term weight loss success after weight loss surgery. If you are ready to get started or desire more information, please reach out to our caring team.