Is Gastric Bypass Surgery The Answer?

You hear a lot about weight loss surgeries like gastric bypass in the media these days, but why? Part of the reason is that obesity has become a major public health concern in this country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that more than one-third of the U.S. population is obese. That is close to 79 million people walking around with excess body weight. While gastric bypass is not a cure for these millions of individuals, it is a tool that can help promote a healthier lifestyle that includes dramatic weight loss.

Why is Obesity Such a Problem?

Why is extra weight a public concern? Obesity escalates medical costs countrywide because it puts people at risk for chronic diseases. It is listed as one of the top causes of preventable death.

When a person is obese, they increase their risk of:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Sudden cardiac arrest
  • Stroke
  • Cancer

Obesity interferes with the quality of life, as well.

What Causes Obesity?

Medical science does not completely understand why some individuals have such a hard time maintaining a healthy weight. There are probably multiple factors involved, such as:

  • Poor energy balance – The body relies strictly on food for most of its energy
  • Family history – Obesity tends to run in families
  • Metabolic disorders – Metabolism is a big part of weight management
  • Poor eating habits – An unbalance diet full of process foods and huge portions
  • Psychological factors – Emotional eating leads to weight gain

Whatever the reason, gastric bypass is a surgical solution that promotes weight loss and reduces the risk of chronic illness.

What is Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass is a surgical weight loss treatment done by a laparoscopic doctor. It is highly effective in reducing health problems associated with obesity like type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.

Weight loss surgeries work in two ways. They make the stomach smaller, so the patient feels full faster. They also change the digestive route of food, bypassing a large portion of the small intestine – the organ responsible for absorbing calories and nutrients.

Are There Risks with Gastric Bypass?

There are risks with any surgical procedure, including gastric bypass. Since the body is not absorbing as many nutrients, patients may need to supplement their diets with a multivitamin, calcium and perhaps take vitamin B12 and iron. The risks are minimal, however, and the potential benefits great.

Who Qualifies for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

This is an extreme weight loss treatment and not necessary for most individuals. It is reserved for a patient that has tried less invasive weight loss measure without success. You must meet the nationally accepted criteria in order for the insurance company to approve the procedure.

The best way to know if gastric bypass is right for you is to see a doctor at the weight loss clinic. They will evaluate your eating habits and find the weight solution for your situation.