Can I lose too much weight after weight loss surgery?

March 12, 2024 | Weight Loss

While the primary goal of weight loss surgery is to assist in shedding excess weight, you may have concerns about losing too much weight post-surgery.

Sometimes, when consulting with patients considering weight loss surgery, we are asked “Can I lose too much weight after weight loss surgery?”

This is a fair question, but actually, it is very rare for someone to lose too much weight after weight loss surgery.

While losing too much weight after weight loss surgery is extremely rare, some potential causes could be:

Poor Nutrition: Poor nutrition can contribute to excessive weight loss after weight loss surgery as it may lead to inadequate intake of essential nutrients. This can occur due to dietary choice that prioritize high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, or skipping meals altogether, resulting in overall calorie deficiency and nutrient depletion. Our expert team helps you navigate what to eat before, during, and after weight loss surgery – while keeping in mind your lifestyle, food preferences, and nutritional requirements.

Lack of Adequate Amount of Protein: Protein plays a crucial role in post-surgery recovery and weight management as it helps preserve lean muscle mass and supports your metabolic function. A lack of an adequate amount of protein in your diet can lead to loss of lean body mass, decreased metabolism, and ultimately contributing to excessive weight loss. Our dietitian and clinicians provide you with the best protein choices as well as provide guidance regarding how much protein to eat each day to keep you on the right track.

Iron or Vitamin Deficiency: Iron and vitamin deficiencies can occur after weight loss surgery due to your reduced stomach size and potential changes in nutrient absorption with some types of surgery. We monitor your labs and make specific, easy to follow, recommendations for supplementation as needed that support your weight loss journey.

Smoking: Smoking can negatively impact weight loss after surgery by potentially increasing your metabolic rate or suppressing your appetite. Additionally, smoking impairs wound healing and increases the risk of post-surgery complications. For these reasons, smoking cessation is important prior to surgery.

Depression: Depression can impact your dietary adherence and overall well-being. Poor appetite, decreased motivation, and emotional eating patterns associated with depression can contribute to inadequate nutrient intake and higher weight loss post-surgery. We are here to guide you every step of the way to provide guidance and support.

For these reasons, it is particularly important for you to follow-through with your post-operative visits and participate in the ongoing education and support provided at Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors.

What typically happens is that once you get close to your goal weight, your body will naturally stabilize at an appropriate weight.

The bottom line is that losing too much weight is NOT common and at Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors, you are never alone in your weight loss surgery journey.

If you are interested in learning more about your weight loss surgery options or have additional questions, reach out to us at We look forward to the opportunity to help you lose weight and improve your health.