How to Know If You’re a Good Candidate For Weight Loss Surgery

Losing weight can be tough, and dieting isn’t always a workable solution for those who are overweight. Fortunately, there are other solutions to explore, such as weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery has helped many people make a lasting lifestyle change. It’s also beneficial for people with certain health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.

According to, it’s possible for patients to lose between 30% and 50% of their excess weight within the first six months after having weight loss surgery. Given all this, you may also be wondering if weight loss surgery is right for you. Here’s how to know if you’re a good candidate for weight loss surgery.

What Are The Requirements For Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgeons have certain criteria they use to evaluate whether a person is a good candidate for the procedure. Generally, you have to meet the following requirements.

You Have A BMI Above 40

The first thing that weight loss surgeons look at when determining if you’re a good candidate for weight loss is to calculate your BMI. In this case, BMI is a reliable measure because it takes into account a person’s weight and height, and different calculations are used for men and women to get more precise results.

If your BMI consistently stays over 40 or you’ve more than 100 pounds of excess weight to shed, then you’re a good candidate for weight loss surgery. To be a normal weight, your BMI should ideally be between 18.5 and 24.9, depending on your body type and how tall you’re. A BMI of over 40 means you’re classified as obese, and this increases the risk of developing serious health complications. So, if you’re only mildly overweight, you will not qualify for weight loss surgery.

You Have a BMI ABove 35 And Have an Obesity-Related Health Condition

If your BMI is below 40, you can still qualify for weight loss surgery. The requirement is that you have to have a BMI of 35 and above with a serious obesity-related health condition. Common weight-related medical problems include diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and arthritis.

Diet And Exercise Regimens Have Been Unsuccessful

It’s typical for weight loss surgeons to also consider a patient’s medical history and previous attempts to lose weight. If you made many attempts to lose weight in the past and faced repeated failure, then weight loss surgery can help you shed the excess weight you couldn’t get rid of on your own.

Additional Information About Weight Loss Surgery Requirements

Adolescents can also be considered hood candidates for weight loss surgery. The same guidelines also apply because the patient has to have a BMI of 40 or higher with a weight-related medical condition. Alternatively, the patient can have a BMI of 35 or higher with a serious medical-related condition. Once it has been determined that the patient qualifies for bariatric surgery, it’s also essential that they are well-informed and willing to do what it takes to make the surgery a success.

What Happens During Your Evaluation For Weight Loss Surgery?

In order to get ready for weight loss surgery, it’s important for you to undergo evaluation. This involves meeting with various healthcare specialists, such as weight loss surgeons, primary care doctors, dietitians, psychologists, and anesthesiologists. During your evaluation, members of your healthcare team will perform various medical exams and discuss information related to the procedure with you. This information will help you decide if weight loss surgery is the right option for you and the best way to get ready for the procedure.

You should be aware of all medical concerns related to the procedure. For instance, if you’re diagnosed with an obesity-related condition, your healthcare provider will perform a medical exam to determine if the surgery will put you at risk of other health complications. Some conditions, like blood-clotting disorders and severe heart disease, increase the risk associated with weight loss surgery, and you may not be a good candidate if you suffer from these conditions.

There Is Also a Psychological Evaluation

Besides evaluating your medical condition, your healthcare team will also address mental and behavioral concerns. That’s because weight loss doesn’t just involve the body, but making life-long changes also requires you to be in the right place mentally and emotionally. For the best outcome after the procedure, you have to be prepared to make certain behavioral changes and adhere to your prescribed treatment plan.

This will not be an issue if you’re motivated to meet lifestyle goals, such as learning to eat healthier and establishing an exercise routine. In the same vein, you have to be prepared to address unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating and excessive snacking, as these contribute to obesity. Unhealthy behaviors also include alcohol and drug abuse and smoking, as these can interfere with the success of your post-surgery treatment plan.

If you have any mental or mood disorders that may be contributing to your obesity, it’s essential that you seek treatment. Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders like bipolar disorder can prevent you from meeting your diet and exercise goals after the procedure.

Is Weight Loss Surgery Right For You?

Deciding if weight loss is right for you is a big decision. Being a good candidate for weight loss is not just about whether your BMI is high enough. It is also about whether you can make the required changes. This begins with ensuring that you’re fully informed about everything related to the weight loss surgery.

For starters, it’s important to realize that having weight loss surgery means permanently changing the way your digestive system works. You will need to switch up your eating habits to accommodate these changes. You may need to always incorporate nutritional supplements to ensure your body is receiving adequate nutrition. You will also need to avoid binge eating sugary foods as they will now have negative side effects, such as vomiting.

The other thing you need to know is there are various weight loss surgery options. You should make an effort to understand how each option works before you make your final decision. If you’re meeting with various weight loss surgeons, be sure to ask as many questions as possible so you know what to expect.

Post Surgery Treatment Plan

Once you decide to go ahead with weight loss surgery, you need to think about life after the surgery. Fortunately, weight loss surgeons are available to help you develop an effective and comprehensive treatment plan. In addition, other members of your team will also use their expertise to help make your surgery successful in the long term. For instance, a nutritionist will provide you with the dietary guidelines you need to start eating healthier.

You will also get professional assistance with developing a personalized exercise plan that will help you meet your body goals. To ensure that all mental and behavioral concerns are addressed, you may also need to see a therapist that will help you develop the coping skills you need to stick to your treatment.

In conclusion, not everyone is a good candidate for weight loss surgery. If you’re a good candidate, your BMI should be over 40 or over 35 only if you have a serious weight-related health complication. Having bariatric surgery can help you manage these obesity-related medical conditions. If other weight loss methods have not worked for you, it could be time to try a different approach. Weight loss surgery can be a viable solution once you have determined that you’re a good candidate. For more information about the procedure, contact Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors.