Obesity Blog

Category: Gastrectomy

Happy woman after weight loss surgery

What are the benefits of a sleeve gastrectomy?

September 27, 2023 | Bariatric Surgery

A sleeve gastrectomy is the most common weight loss procedure performed in the United States. It is typically performed as a robotic laparoscopic surgery. During surgery, about 80% of your stomach is removed leaving a tubular shaped stomach about the...

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Davinci robotic arms

What are the Benefits of Robotic Surgery?

September 13, 2023 | Bariatric Surgery

As the Director of Robotic Surgery at St. Charles Hospitals in New York, Dr. Hesham Atwa is often asked about the benefits of robotic surgery – particularly when it comes to weight loss surgery. Here are Dr. Hesham Atwa’s top...

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graphic depicting a sleeve gastrectomy

What is a Sleeve Gastrectomy?

August 30, 2023 | Gastrectomy

The Sleeve Gastrectomy, also known as a Gastric Sleeve is currently the most common weight loss surgery performed in the United States. At Long Island Laparoscopic Doctors, patients inquiring about weight loss surgery learn about all of their options in...

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Does Obesity Make You a Good Candidate for a Sleeve Gastrectomy?

December 24, 2018 | Gastrectomy

It’s no secret that Americans are getting heavier overall. Obesity can cause significant medical, social, and psychological problems. Sometimes it makes normal daily activities impossible. For some individuals, bariatric surgery is the best alternative to solving the problem of being obese. One recently...

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