Obesity Blog

Category: Gastric Bypass Surgery

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What should I look for in a weight loss surgery program?

October 25, 2023 | Bariatric Surgery

Having weight loss surgery is a personal decision. An integral part of your decision should be choosing the right surgeon and program for you. Your decision to have weight loss surgery is a personal and important one. Below are some...

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Davinci robotic arms

What are the Benefits of Robotic Surgery?

September 13, 2023 | Bariatric Surgery

As the Director of Robotic Surgery at St. Charles Hospitals in New York, Dr. Hesham Atwa is often asked about the benefits of robotic surgery – particularly when it comes to weight loss surgery. Here are Dr. Hesham Atwa’s top...

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How Does Weight Loss Surgery Work?

November 19, 2019 | Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery changes how your body responds to food, increasing weight loss and improving weight-related health conditions. Find out how this life-changing treatment works. Most people considering bariatric surgery have tried to lose weight many times. While they may have...

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What Does the Gastric Sleeve Procedure Involve

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

Surgery to help manage weight is growing in popularity because of the reliable, long-term results these techniques provide. The gastric sleeve procedure is a weight loss treatment that offers a low risk for complications and a relatively easy recovery period. However, patients...

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery Requirements

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

Patients who are severely obese now have a more surgical alternative to lose weight than at any time in the past. After discussing the various options with a bariatric surgeon, or laparoscopic doctor, they must choose the type of surgery...

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Gastric Band Surgery Requirements

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. For some people, attempts to diet and exercise just do not help them keep the weight off. Gastric band surgery is a medical procedure that can help patients achieve a healthy weight. However,...

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Gastric Bypass Surgery Requirements

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular weight loss treatment for individuals struggling with obesity. The procedure requires the surgeon to make a small pouch out of part of the stomach and connect it to a lower part of the intestines...

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Successful Gastric Bypass Surgery

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

Tackling obesity by committing to weight loss treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic,  gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common types of weight loss surgeries in the United States because it poses fewer complications than other surgeries. A person who chooses...

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Gastric Bypass Surgery Provides Long-Lasting Benefits

December 26, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery has long-lasting results, according to a new study, especially when it comes to teenagers. Results from the new study, presented in November 2015 at the annual American Heart Association meeting, showed that adults who had gastric bypass as teenagers...

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Is Gastric Bypass Surgery The Answer?

December 24, 2018 | Gastric Bypass Surgery

You hear a lot about weight loss surgeries like gastric bypass in the media these days, but why? Part of the reason is that obesity has become a major public health concern in this country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that...

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